Caffeine Content of Bondowoso Arabica Ground Coffee with Variation of Roasting Profile and Type of Packages

Main Article Content

Dyah Ayu Savitri
Ayu Puspita Arum
Hasbi Mubarak Suud
Oria Alit Farisi
Susan Barbara Patricia SM
Bambang Kusmanadhi
Denna Eriani Munandar


Bondowoso Arabica coffee is a type of coffee that grows on the slopes of Mount Ijen-Raung. It has a high commercial value and distinctive taste. Coffee processing applications from roasting, grinding, packaging and brewing to storage will affect the quality of coffee. Caffeine is one of the compounds in coffee that contributes to bitterness and has certain pharmacological effects. This study aimed to determine the caffeine content of Bondowoso Arabica coffee harvested on August 2021 which was obtained from Sukosari Lor village with various roast profiles and types of packaging. In this study, Arabica coffee was roasted with light roast, medium roast and dark roast profiles. Then each treatment was mashed to obtain ground coffee. Ground coffee was put in a standing pouch made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with a thickness of 75 microns; polypropylene (PP) with a thickness of 100 microns; and polypropylene (PP) with a thickness of 120 microns and then stored for three months. During the storage of first and third months, caffeine levels were measured. Based on the results of the study, the caffeine content was increase along with higher roasting temperature. During the storage process, the caffeine content in ground coffee packaged using PP decreased the most.

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How to Cite
Savitri, D. A., Arum, A., Suud, H., Farisi, O., Patricia SM, S., Kusmanadhi, B., & Munandar, D. (2022). Caffeine Content of Bondowoso Arabica Ground Coffee with Variation of Roasting Profile and Type of Packages. Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal), 38(2), 128-137.
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Author Biographies

Dyah Ayu Savitri, University of Jember

Department of Agricultural Science

Ayu Puspita Arum, University of Jember

Department of Agricultural Science

Hasbi Mubarak Suud, University of Jember

Department of Agricultural Science

Oria Alit Farisi, University of Jember

Department of Agricultural Science

Susan Barbara Patricia SM, University of Jember

Department of Agricultural Science

Bambang Kusmanadhi, University of Jember

Department of Agricultural Science

Denna Eriani Munandar, University of Jember

Department of Agronomy
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